Friday, November 7, 2008

The Soapbox New Location

The soapbox is live in it's new location Leslie's Little Soapbox - please bear with me while I work on the look and feel.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving the Soapbox

Please bear with me as I work to move my soapbox into a WordPress blog. I feel I have more options available to me by using this type of blog. No sneak peaks because I'm still trying to decide which domain name of mine that it needs to be part of.

Thanks for letting me scream into the wind.


The Agents of Change Have Spoken

The agents of "change" have spoken. I still believe that it was more of a "pretty face, feel good" election. I am sure over the next days and months I will be called a racist. Those who feel they are entitled will inflate that attitude. I wonder how long it will be before I lose the right to blog how I feel? I wonder how long it will be before I can no long watch FoxNews, listen to Rick & Bubba every morning, or read Neal Boortz? How do I console someone who feels everything his grandfather fought for has been lost with this election?

I have two years to find other like voices, two years to educate, two years to watch, in fear, what direction the country I love heads towards. I pray that I am wrong about how I feel.

Welcome to the U.S.S.A.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Question Everything

My friend Chuck at least has me questioning things I read. In a recent blog post "McCain and Obama, You Do Have a Choice", Chuck was voicing his concerns over the negativity in the campaign. Over the weekend I got an email "Obama Ties to Farrakhan Revealed" by Ken Timmerman - my first reaction was "too little, too late". Then I found myself asking why has it taken so long for something like this to even be written.

I still have unanswered media related questions about the LA Times article "Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama", if the LA Times does have "said video", why not release it? Perhaps what is being reported about this video is being twisted, distorted and taken out of context? Is the LA Times telling the American people they are too stupid to judge for themselves?

Something else to watch, Congress' Approval Rating Ties Lowest in Gallup Records remember the Congress is controlled by the democrats and they are the ones who are really sticking it to all of us Americans!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Voice To Monitor

I have been having some at times lively discussions with both Democrats and Republicans and have been trying to monitor those voices who I think might have viable ideas for change. Most of the people I have heard just spout off that they want change, but cannot come up with any type of solution. I will be monitoring the thoughts of Chuck Lasker as I too try to find ways to give America back to the people.

I suppose you could say that I too am just "spouting off" that I want change, but I want to also learn how to become an active, educated participant in the process.
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Understanding The Undecided

It's always like walking through a mine field when discussing politics in social settings. I have really been wanting to understand what an undecided voter is thinking, so I tread carefully in recent conversations to try and gain a little insight. The group I spoke with were older than I am, so they also had my due respect. It seemed to be a consensus that it wasn't that one candidate was worse than the other, they just didn't like either choice. They told me that they would just rather not vote because they didn't want to be part of choosing.

In theory, I agree with them. I do not like either candidate but I don't want to waste my vote or not vote. But I also know the problems are not just with the presidential candidates, but are also with the congressional candidates - the career politicians who have lost sight as to what government service is supposed to mean.

I can empathize with the undecideds, it tough. I think I'm just going to vote a straight party ticket, pray and try to work like hell to wake people up so we can start getting REAL change in place during the next four years.

One place we need to reclaim is the education of our children and the education of all Americans - you think Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" is just entertainment? Read John Stossel's - A Duty Not To Vote.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, October 27, 2008

Biden Angered By Tough Questions

Enter the "damage control" - worst one I heard was this reporter was spoon fed her questions. Good grief! What have I been saying and before she asked these questions? These are answers that ALL Americans need to hear before it's too late.

Since YouTube pulled the video I linked to, here's the FoxNews version (and yes YouTube was in it right to pull it) Here a link to WFTV's copyrighted version:

I Don't Want To Waste A Vote

I find that I'm not happy with either choice of Presidential candidate this election. Everyone wants change, so do I, but I don't want to live in a socialist country. If I wanted to live in a socialist country, I'd move to France. I believe that people who are voting for Obama are enamored with his pretty face and pretty talk. Obama scares me because no one is listening to what he is saying or has said. I'm not real thrilled with McCain either, I do like Sarah Palin and I think she really could shake up the good ole boy network.

Everyday I watch our personal freedoms get torn away from us. Our education system is in the toilet because the government has it's hands all over it. Our interstates are awful, where is all that tax money I am paying going? I enjoy listening to talk radio, the station I listen to is open about their Christian values. I fear they will be taken off the air. I used to enjoy CNN, I started watching it when it first came on the air, but their political bias got as bad as the big three networks. BUT, I defend their right to their free speech and dont want that taken away from them.

I have been accused of not caring about the less fortunate or those who are down on their luck. How dare you? You have not walked in my shoes, you don't know where I have come from to get here. I have been one of those "less fortunate" and through hard work and tenacity I have carved out a very tiny portion of the "American Dream". I don't have the whole pie, just a small piece of it, but I worked hard for it. Now I stand here and wonder why the bailouts? I suppose I could ask, where is my bailout?

So where does this leave me when it comes time to cast my ballot? If I vote for a third party candidate, it's almost like a vote for Obama or a wasted vote. I hate the term, lesser of two evils but that's where I'm at. I don't think the Libertarian Party has enough steam yet. Perhaps during the next four years Americans who still believe in the American Dream, the Constitution, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness will wake up, rise up and take this country.

The beauty of the electronic media, I'll have archives of my thoughts. So in the years to come, let's look back and see how far off the mark I am.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, October 25, 2008

'Comrade Sam'

I'm glad FoxNews made this video available. Listen up America!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Think You Can Do It Better?

I feel like I'm talking to a know-it-all teenager who thinks they are smarter. Okay, you are so smart, you do it. I'm tired of banging my head up against a wall trying to explain this to you. You've never lived outside of the US like I have. You have never experienced socialized medicine like I have. (Sidebar note here, my own daughter also has been a victim of socialized medicine like I have been.)

You want change, well you sure are going to get it. The only problem is, I can't escape the mistakes you are about to make. You are too inexperienced to understand how to implement true change. You are just a sheep following the herd. Your friends are jumping off the bridge, so you will too. You want someone else to do it for you because you have spent too many years having someone else do it for you. You want a welfare state, you want wealth without having to work for it.

I'm screaming into the wind, but I will NOT vote for Obama.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

November 4th Scares Me

The closer we get to election day the more scared I get. The hand basket is now on a fast track to hell. Americans have totally forgotten where they have come from. Social Security was never meant to be permanent, it was a temporary fix. Career politicians were not part of their vision.

History is just not being taught, teachers are too busy teaching tests to make sure their schools continue to receive FEDERAL funding. It's time to take a very close look at the Manifesto of the Communist Party to see how close we are to becoming a communist country.

When I was reviewing Karl Marx's work the first thing that crossed my mind is that the people who want all this government support probably wouldn't even get past the word "Bourgeois(ie)". I can hear a collective "what does that mean?" Bourgeoisie are capitalist, the people who hire people. Oh wait, Americans don't want to be hired, they want the government to take care of them from the womb to the tomb.

I digress, look at item (plank) 10 - "Free education for all children in public schools" - we have that already. In my less than humble opinion, the No Child Left Behind act did nothing but force teachers to dumb down an education to the lowest common denominator. We have rapidly become stupid and lazy. Blaming others for our own shortcomings.

Let's take look at item (plank) 2 - "A heavy progressive or graduated income tax" - do I even need to explain that? What did Obama say? We need to spread the wealth? The death tax is bringing us closer and closer to item (plank) 3 - "Abolition of all rights of inheritance". Look at the family farms that are being destroyed by this.

Here's one to watch for if Obama gets elected item (plank) 6 - "Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State." Say goodbye to FoxNews and talk radio. the government already has it's hands in our transportation system.

Now if you have been living under a rock and haven't heard about the government bailout of the banks, go get caught up on that news flash and then go look at item (plank) 5 - "Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly" Hello, can anybody hear me?

I could go on and on, but do you see the path this country is taking? I feel like I'm screaming into a hurricane and no one hears my cries.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Spread The Wealth"

Here it is folks, straight form te socialist's mouth:

Please tell me you don't want to vote for this!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Slippery Slope of Socialism

Hang on folks here it comes. Everybody wants the government to wipe their butt, well you're going to get your wish.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Listen To The Donald

Does the bailout failure have a silver lining like Donald Trump believes it does? "The beautiful silver lining to this is that oil is going to drop down to nothing ... and there's nothing OPEC can do about it," Trump told Fox News. Think about it, the price of oil drives everything - it's the reason our cost of living has gone through the roof. Higher gas prices, mean higher prices on everything we need to buy.

Aren't you just a little tired of the letting the government do everything for you? We are becoming a bunch of mindless morons that can't do anything that doesn't have some sort of government tentacles in it.

Wake up America!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The "Bailout"

I sure wish someone would bail me out. How about paying my mortgage for me? You know, the one I pay every month - on time? The one my husband I and both work to pay? The one we both have had to take part-time jobs to help out with?

How about instead of bailing out these irresponsible idiots, you help out the hard working American public? How about going after the people that caused this problem?

Better yet, how about getting out of my pocket?!?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Way To Go Jesse Jackson

If you want that "word" to go away, then stop using it, PERIOD!

Friday, June 27, 2008

You Tell Um Ted!

A must view video. At least one Congressman realizes how stupid they are:

Way to tell them Representative Poe! I need to find a transcript of this one.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Blame The School?

I heard something that almost made me fall over, a woman is blaming the school because her kindergarten age daughter does not know her ABC's and cannot count to 20. Are you kidding me?!? How hard is it to sign the ABC song? Or to play with the little magnetic numbers and letters on the fridge? I have spent almost enough hours helping my children with home work that I probably could be a teacher. Isn't that what a parent is supposed to do? Since when did it become the school's responsibility to make sure your child knows the basics?

This is what is wrong with America, no one wants to accept the blame for failure. It's the school's fault, it's the government's fault, it's the president's fault. Look in the mirror, you have no one to blame but yourself!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time For A Change?

Yak, yak, yak...people whining that it's time for a change. So you think the president is your vehicle for change? Oh come on, it's been in your hands all the time. It's time you got off your butts and did something for yourself. It's time you quit depending on the government to bail you out for this, that or the other thing. It's time you stopped blaming rich people for all your problems.

Maybe if you would have paid attention in school...oh, I'm sorry you let the government dumb down your education to the point you can't think for yourself anymore. Quit blaming everyone else for your problems, look in the mirror, that's who you need to blame.

It's time you demand public servants be just that, servants to the people. It's time you demand term limits, career politicians are not what our founding father's envisioned. It's time you re-read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...silly me, I'm still assuming you can even comprehend the documents.

Now you want the government to run the oil industry? I have 4 letters for you USPS. Does it hurt to be that stupid?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Let Them Rot In Jail

It's been a while since I jumped up on the soapbox, but when you've got 3 terrorist that want to die - "Accused Sept. 11 Mastermind: 'I Wish to Be a Martyr' " just to become heroes, I say let them rot. Don't give them what they want, ever. Heck, if I were in charge I would have through a pig in their cell with them.