Thursday, October 23, 2008

November 4th Scares Me

The closer we get to election day the more scared I get. The hand basket is now on a fast track to hell. Americans have totally forgotten where they have come from. Social Security was never meant to be permanent, it was a temporary fix. Career politicians were not part of their vision.

History is just not being taught, teachers are too busy teaching tests to make sure their schools continue to receive FEDERAL funding. It's time to take a very close look at the Manifesto of the Communist Party to see how close we are to becoming a communist country.

When I was reviewing Karl Marx's work the first thing that crossed my mind is that the people who want all this government support probably wouldn't even get past the word "Bourgeois(ie)". I can hear a collective "what does that mean?" Bourgeoisie are capitalist, the people who hire people. Oh wait, Americans don't want to be hired, they want the government to take care of them from the womb to the tomb.

I digress, look at item (plank) 10 - "Free education for all children in public schools" - we have that already. In my less than humble opinion, the No Child Left Behind act did nothing but force teachers to dumb down an education to the lowest common denominator. We have rapidly become stupid and lazy. Blaming others for our own shortcomings.

Let's take look at item (plank) 2 - "A heavy progressive or graduated income tax" - do I even need to explain that? What did Obama say? We need to spread the wealth? The death tax is bringing us closer and closer to item (plank) 3 - "Abolition of all rights of inheritance". Look at the family farms that are being destroyed by this.

Here's one to watch for if Obama gets elected item (plank) 6 - "Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State." Say goodbye to FoxNews and talk radio. the government already has it's hands in our transportation system.

Now if you have been living under a rock and haven't heard about the government bailout of the banks, go get caught up on that news flash and then go look at item (plank) 5 - "Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly" Hello, can anybody hear me?

I could go on and on, but do you see the path this country is taking? I feel like I'm screaming into a hurricane and no one hears my cries.

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