Friday, November 7, 2008

The Soapbox New Location

The soapbox is live in it's new location Leslie's Little Soapbox - please bear with me while I work on the look and feel.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Moving the Soapbox

Please bear with me as I work to move my soapbox into a WordPress blog. I feel I have more options available to me by using this type of blog. No sneak peaks because I'm still trying to decide which domain name of mine that it needs to be part of.

Thanks for letting me scream into the wind.


The Agents of Change Have Spoken

The agents of "change" have spoken. I still believe that it was more of a "pretty face, feel good" election. I am sure over the next days and months I will be called a racist. Those who feel they are entitled will inflate that attitude. I wonder how long it will be before I lose the right to blog how I feel? I wonder how long it will be before I can no long watch FoxNews, listen to Rick & Bubba every morning, or read Neal Boortz? How do I console someone who feels everything his grandfather fought for has been lost with this election?

I have two years to find other like voices, two years to educate, two years to watch, in fear, what direction the country I love heads towards. I pray that I am wrong about how I feel.

Welcome to the U.S.S.A.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Question Everything

My friend Chuck at least has me questioning things I read. In a recent blog post "McCain and Obama, You Do Have a Choice", Chuck was voicing his concerns over the negativity in the campaign. Over the weekend I got an email "Obama Ties to Farrakhan Revealed" by Ken Timmerman - my first reaction was "too little, too late". Then I found myself asking why has it taken so long for something like this to even be written.

I still have unanswered media related questions about the LA Times article "Allies of Palestinians see a friend in Barack Obama", if the LA Times does have "said video", why not release it? Perhaps what is being reported about this video is being twisted, distorted and taken out of context? Is the LA Times telling the American people they are too stupid to judge for themselves?

Something else to watch, Congress' Approval Rating Ties Lowest in Gallup Records remember the Congress is controlled by the democrats and they are the ones who are really sticking it to all of us Americans!