Monday, October 27, 2008

I Don't Want To Waste A Vote

I find that I'm not happy with either choice of Presidential candidate this election. Everyone wants change, so do I, but I don't want to live in a socialist country. If I wanted to live in a socialist country, I'd move to France. I believe that people who are voting for Obama are enamored with his pretty face and pretty talk. Obama scares me because no one is listening to what he is saying or has said. I'm not real thrilled with McCain either, I do like Sarah Palin and I think she really could shake up the good ole boy network.

Everyday I watch our personal freedoms get torn away from us. Our education system is in the toilet because the government has it's hands all over it. Our interstates are awful, where is all that tax money I am paying going? I enjoy listening to talk radio, the station I listen to is open about their Christian values. I fear they will be taken off the air. I used to enjoy CNN, I started watching it when it first came on the air, but their political bias got as bad as the big three networks. BUT, I defend their right to their free speech and dont want that taken away from them.

I have been accused of not caring about the less fortunate or those who are down on their luck. How dare you? You have not walked in my shoes, you don't know where I have come from to get here. I have been one of those "less fortunate" and through hard work and tenacity I have carved out a very tiny portion of the "American Dream". I don't have the whole pie, just a small piece of it, but I worked hard for it. Now I stand here and wonder why the bailouts? I suppose I could ask, where is my bailout?

So where does this leave me when it comes time to cast my ballot? If I vote for a third party candidate, it's almost like a vote for Obama or a wasted vote. I hate the term, lesser of two evils but that's where I'm at. I don't think the Libertarian Party has enough steam yet. Perhaps during the next four years Americans who still believe in the American Dream, the Constitution, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness will wake up, rise up and take this country.

The beauty of the electronic media, I'll have archives of my thoughts. So in the years to come, let's look back and see how far off the mark I am.

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